Work - Play

Work is generally seen as a necessary means for survival and as such, the emotion connected to it is one of endurance, duty and so on, leaving us in a merry-go-round of no delight. Maybe that is the reason why our workplaces often are haphazardly kept, randomly pulled together, arranged to serve only the ‘purpose of doing our duty’, then run. Without realising, the human aspect of enthusiasm and joy makes for the vital part of continuous success, feeling uplifted and inspired triggers better achievements.
Children play, so what about adults? Play is seen as an 'interruptor', rarely a contributor but things are changing slowly, we understand better to bring purpose and reason into our work as it is a more fulfilling way to be, bringing better results. No need to make the work place in to a playground , instead bring aspects of upliftment and care through colours, materials and other supportive visual elements, all inspiring us wanting to be in the space, rather than running from it.
Feeling appreciated must be a good way for getting a satisfactory result, creating a win, win for all.
How can we tap into our inner resources? There are many answers but one for sure would be to look at the environment in which we work. The space that so strongly shapes our every-day, influencing our perception of self-value should, it should keep stress levels in check and be visually stimulating.
The approach of ‘standard requirement’ which often is a minimum of acceptability brings the emotional temperature down too many degrees. Lifeless, tired spaces pushed by harsh light and low oxygen levels are not exciting. But despite dreary conditions, top notch results are expected. This approach towards ourselves and our environment is a very strange tactic as we instinctively like to avoid any ‘must do’ in life. We treat the space in question with a sense of obligation and obedience, all stifling ease and flow which are needed to reach continuous successful results.
A home expresses who we are, this also applies to business, small or large. The same way home interiors develop in style and approach, bringing new inspiration and solutions to the forefront, so also should our work space. We often don’t address the office with the same care and respect as we treat our home. All the hours, days, years spent at work should bring a sense of wellbeing, fostering focus, building enthusiasm and strength as these attributes are required to be able to march successfully through time. Business means ultimately people and people want to feel valued and inspired.

I pledge for a fresh revisit of all workspaces. The visual aspect around us influences profoundly, either stimulating or draining. So why is a certain ‘this will have to do’ attitude to workspaces a standard choice? The sabotage of our best being is seen as ‘normal’. Whatever the reasons, lack of space, economy, time, it is worth giving it some attention. Shall we live our lives dwindling along as it has been doing for generations or are we willing to find alternatives?
There is of course not a one-way solution but many, depending on the space and the purpose of the task. The focus should be to let a sense of support and wellbeing dominate the space.

There are so many ways of adding flavour to space; through colour, texture, light and arrangement of furniture. A bit of an open mind is needed to try a fresh approach. Let’s surprise ourselves by trying new ways to look at the familiar surrounding. There are interesting furniture solutions available for better comfort and appreciation, helping to create unconventional space solutions offering successful interaction for an enjoyable journey. We all want to experience our everyday worth pursuing, so let’s try a different approach instead of the usual standard, and see what happens.
A change in space might trigger inner revaluing of self and the tasks at hand, opening up for new possibilities. There are many interior options available that are easy, fun and good looking. There is furniture at accommodating price points, good design ecologically produced, and new wall colour able to help cleanse the air (Graphenstone) and much more. Our environment should be built with the use of non-toxic materials, caring for life. New business focus will also have to include a variety of areas connected to the business, such as what social impact we have beyond the core business we are part of. How sustainable are we? Who benefits including those connected to the external infrastructure? How do others benefit? The spiders net of impact is wide and if given some thought, all involved will find more value in participating.

We want to dwell in inspiring spaces well cared for, we want better everyday living. The value of life is expressed in our surrounding. Create a space so inspiring, one never wants to leave. It opens for the play aspect in us, resulting in better communication and creative solutions, supporting better ease and flow.
We are standing in the midst of change. It will not just be an advance of technology and systems but most of all people will want to stand at the forefront, people matter, therefore it is time to change.
Let’s do it, let’s thrive!