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How come, the simple task of tidying holds magical power?
Marie Kondo and many with her, have made tidying their success, helping to open our eyes that every change, however small, helps to make way for new ideas and momentums to land in our life.
The magic truly lies in the detail, in our focus and commitment, all adding up, creating value and value holds our spirit in trim. If we set a goal, decide for a reason why we want clarity and change, it supports creating the success we are looking for.
Change in life can be triggered through change in our space. When we start moving physically, it helps moving emotionally, the two are well emerged in one another.
Every space enhancing wish starts with a good clean out, the old, broken, not loved must go to make space for enticing, inspiring new, reflecting the values we hold about ourselves. Values reflecting who we are or striving to be help keep order in a chaotic, distracting world.
I have chosen Marie Kondo to help us get the unwanted out of our lives. Marie's guidance through space helps open our eyes, better understanding how to bring support into life through simple physical action.
It's nothing new, yet we have to hear it again and agin, proving simplicity counts. In fact, every change starts with a simple step, step by step, by step. Caring for clarity in space means respect towards ourselves as it clearly supports our daily tasks. It's not for someone else, the family, neighbour, friends, it's for us. Feeling supported by our surrounding gives us more space to better breath, relax in the moment, making better decisions.
I do not believe that tidy equals a clean mind, far from it, I believe tidiness helps to row through the chaos of life with more ease and grace and it’s free, that's worth a ton and everyone can do it. Whatever you choose, start with choosing strength. Let’s get started, make magic happen!
To order, go here: Life Changing - Magic -Tidying.